


My name is Linda and I have been involved in the Fitness Industry for as long as I can remember.  I could not tell you what really motivated me to start off with, because neither of my parents exercised – being of that generation that once you hit a certain age you just didn’t exercise.  In saying that, they were a constant support to me growing up – always coming to school sport or club games – of which I could never find anything I was good at or enjoyed!! Then once I did find a sport I enjoyed and thought I was ok at (bike racing as it were) – they were always there to marshal on a corner, or make the cups of tea for everyone afterwards.  Somehow, they always believed in me.  

I guess my true inspiration came from when my Mum got diagnosed with Cancer and then nursing her until she died.  It broke my heart to lose her and then looking after my aging Dad until he passed away. From that point on I made a decision to do everything in my power to not get Cancer or any health related disease so I made a conscious effort to ensure that I exercised every day and making sure that 90% of the time my nutrition was good too.  That’s not to say I don’t enjoy my fair share of treats, or a glass of wine – who doesn’t!! But I believe in everything in moderation so that in the end it should all balance out.  

Early on I figured out that I was most inspired by people around me.  I loved seeing them trying hard, crossing the finish line with that look of pure elation – or sometimes a look of ‘Thank God that’s over!!!’  I would always comment to my children – who would always see their Dad finishing first in bike races, to look at the people that finished last – and how hard they tried to get to the finish line.  That to me was always more important.  

My inspiration came from seeing people overcome the fear of doing something – not watching someone who was already excellent at it.

Fast track a good 10 years or so where I spent all this time putting 100 percent of my energy into raising my 4 boys, fitting in the odd run in the early hours of the morning - I needed something more out of life.  I stumbled across CrossFit one day when my boys were watching something on Sky sport.  When I asked them what it was, they replied ‘CrossFit’.  From that moment I decided that was what I wanted to do.  I researched and found a gym in Rolleston which quickly became my second home.  

One by one my boys started to join me – including my husband Pete and a few years later an opportunity came up for us to purchase this gym.  We jumped at the chance, and this was to be my dream come true because now I could put my energy into those around me and help them along in their fitness journey.  I felt very fortunate that our boys were in an environment where they could witness everyday people achieving things for the first time – their first push up, being able to run for 200m without stopping, doing 5 burpees – and so forth. Coming from sports they all did well in they quickly developed respect for people more mature than themselves achieving great things.  This has been my motivator for getting more people in the gym.

But something was missing.  The people in our gym mostly came from other sporting codes or already had a level of fitness.  There was an imbalance of people that could easily slot into class workouts and progress quickly – and those who had not taken part in any form of fitness for a long time.  The design of CrossFit workouts means that every single movement can be scaled to suit the athlete’s current ability so why were these people not coming to the gym?  

I believe the answer is below (see: New CrossFit Group) which culminates in a fear for most of these people to enter a gym where they believe they will stand out.  

Why should they feel like that?  

Why should they miss out on fitness because they are too afraid to take the next step?

Everyone deserves the opportunity to lead good, healthy lives, and who on Earth would not want to add years of quality living to their lives by being part of a solid, consistent routine, in a completely supportive, non intimidatingenvironment?   I decided that I want to change this.  

I am totally committed to supporting anyone new to CrossFit – or who haven’t exercised for a long time, to begin their fitness journey with me.






People who have not committed to regular exercise for a long time and really don’t know where to start.  

People who want to have a proper exercise routine but are too afraid to enter a gym.

People who are approaching or have gone past middle age and know that the clock is ticking and they have neglected their health and well being for one reason or another.

People who are committed to making a change for the better so they can lead a much better quality of life and add years of great living to their lives.

People who want to make friends with like-minded people with similar goals, and create a community of support and friendship.



Do you wish you could still do now what you could do 20 years ago??

Do you often notice other people your age who have kept up their fitness and wish you had never given up?  

Do you feel overwhelmed because you have no idea where to start?

Are you afraid of getting injured because you haven’t exercised consistently for so long?

Does the thought of doing group exercise scare you because you don’t want to look like a beginner?

Would you be interested in trying out a fitness group in a completely supportive, non intimidated environment under the guidance of a coach who understandsyou?  

If you have answered yes to any one of these questions then please let me help you.  I know what it feels like to be stuck in a rut and then just settling for your current self because it is too hard to think of the alternative.  I know how busy life gets and that exercise and time for yourself gets put on the back burner because you are too busy running around after everyone else.  

I want to make this easy for you.  I also want to make it fun!! I want you to feel empowered and gain confidence and self belief that it is not too late to make a positive change, that you can make a huge difference to your health and well being which will give you a much better quality of life and add years of great living to your life.  I want to help you!



Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7.30 pm, and Sundays 8.30am (1 hour which includes workout brief, general warm up, movement specific warm up, work out and cool down).  

This membership will cost $40 per week.  

Our workouts will vary every single day and will include all functional movements to allow you to work on mobility, cardiovascular fitness, and generally moving well.  We will also spend time talking about the importance of good nutrition and recovery. Based on my own experience, knowledge and common sense there are lots of ways we can achieve great things in all these areas which are sustainable and will enhance your life – they are not supposed to restrict you from enjoying every day.

Please note:  These classes are reserved for you – no one who already does CrossFit will be allowed to do these classes.




There will also be an option for anyone wanting extra 45 min personal training sessions in addition to the above.  These will be charged at $40 per session and will be one on one fully coached.  The sessions could include gym workouts, walking or jogging outside the gym, or working through your progress, goals and nutrition advice.  

Click below to get started

Click below to get started